Burmilla Cat: appearance, character, care, breeding

Born in the early 1980s in Great Britain, it is very popular in this country

The Burmilla cat breed is a feline breed from the United Kingdom and widespread throughout Europe since 1981. Its peculiarity consists in deriving from the crossing of Persian and Burmese, through a very complex selection. Let’s find out everything there is to know about this rare and sought-after cat.

In England, Burmilla is a true celebrity, so much so that it deserves the foundation of a famous fan club: the Burmilla cat Club . We are talking about a very rare and sought after cat breed , which first appeared in the UK in 1981. A few years later the Burmilla obtained the definition of the breed standards and the qualification for the world championships. But let’s find out more and let’s analyze all the features that make it so special and loved in particular by the British.

Burmilla Cat : the story

The history of this cat is very unique. The birth of the Burmilla, in fact, is due to pure chance. The credit seems to go to Baroness Miranda von Kirchberg, passionate about cats and curator of a kennel. It was in his breeding that a completely unexpected mating took place between a lilac- colored Burmese and a Silver Chinchilla (Persian). From that union some really beautiful kittens were born that the baroness decided to breed to refine their characteristics.

The breed featured the tipping of the Chinchilla and the allure of the Burmese but with a character very prone to domestic life and human contact. The name chosen, in fact, is the fusion of the words  (Burm) ese Cinc (illa) . Today Burmilla is known throughout Europe and is particularly popular in Denmark and England.

Burmilla Cat : appearance and size

The Burmilla is a medium-sized cat with a strong, muscular and heavy build. Muscles and bones are well developed and powerful and define a well proportioned overall appearance. It is tonic, agile and elegant at the same time. The round head is denoted by full cheeks, small nose and pronounced jaws. The ears are slightly tilted forward while the eyes are set wide apart.

The color of the irises ranges from green to yellow up to the bright gold color. The coat is dense, short and close to the body and can take on different chromatic varieties. To date, the breed standard includes 6:  chocolate, light chocolate tipped, lilac, lilac silver shaded, brown tipped and black shaded.

The streaks are present on the legs, tail, around the neck and on the forehead where they draw a well marked ‘M’. The coat color is lighter in puppies but tends to darken as they grow. In adulthood, a Burmilla cat can reach 7 kg in weight and live up to 15 years .

Burmilla Cat : character

The Burmilla is a lively, playful and loving cat who loves life at home. In fact, at home, he adapts perfectly to the family dimension and tends to become deeply attached to his human friends.

The character of this cat can only be described with positive adjectives. Cheerful, friendly, sociable, playful, the perfect fusion of the character peculiarities of the breeds from which it derives. It is an intelligent and sensitive animal, not at all shy and sometimes impertinent .

When faced with a stranger, it certainly does not hold back. On the contrary, it is curious and enterprising and loves to show off with guests.

In the family, the cat shows that it is balanced , calm and very affectionate with his master. In its nature, the vivacity and intelligence of the Burmese are well blended with the elegance of the Persian.

Burmilla Cat : care, health

Being a very strong and robust cat, the Burmilla does not require special care. All you need to ensure is a thorough brushing of the coat with a horsehair brush, at least once a week. During the moulting period, brushing should be more frequent. The cleaning of the ears must be performed with specific products only if necessary, while the nails can be shortened with special scissors.

Like most cats, the Burmilla also needs a healthy and balanced diet that provides it with all the nutrients it needs. Prefer, for his diet, meals based on specific packaged foods.

The  most frequent pathologies found in this breed mainly concern the kidneys. In this sense, the Burmilla have much in common with the Persians, from whom they inherited this handicap. In fact, there are frequent cases of kidney stones that must be managed with the support of a good veterinarian.

The education of a Burmilla does not require special precautions. The mild and balanced character of this cat, in fact, will practically not cause any problems. Sometimes, however, if the Burmilla feels neglected it can become impertinent and annoying. You will notice it from its insistent and incessant meowing, but with a few cuddles it will be all right.

Burmilla Cat : price

The cost of a Burmilla cat is around  $1100 to $1700 USD.

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