Breathing difficulties in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Breathing difficulties in cats, a problem that should not be underestimated to avoid dangerous consequences on their health. Let’s see, together, the causes that cause this condition, the symptoms that occur and how it is possible to treat your feline.

The feline is an animal that enjoys a reputation that travels through the ages. It is difficult to think that anything can happen to him without being able to defend and survive. Instead, he too is vulnerable and susceptible to disease. It can happen to every owner, sooner or later, to see their cat breathe in a tiring and suffering way. When a cat is not breathing normally there is very likely a problem. Let’s talk about cat breathing difficulties and how to deal with them.

Breathing difficulties in cats: typical causes and symptoms

Breathing difficulties can occur in domestic cats, a situation that is not very common but which must be taken seriously in order not to compromise its health. We read better here in the article.

One of the most suffering conditions for the house cat is that of difficulty breathing. A panting and suffering feline, which clearly manifests behaviours that suggest a malaise, must immediately make it clear that it is time to intervene to help and subject it to a control.

It is true that the cat, in some situations such as intense physical activity, a long run, a great scare or a stressful journey, may be wheezing and breathing hard but it should be a temporary condition due to these factors.

Abnormalities in feline breathing can be generated for various causes, in the presence of hydrothorax, or the accumulation of fluid between the lungs and ribs, and therefore the pleural cavity. Causes of this problem can be:

  • Rupture of the thoracic duct, due to trauma
  • Feline infectious peritonitis 
  • Cat heart failure
  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in cats or enlargement of the heart

There are typical symptoms of this problem in animals, such as:

  • Fast, noisy breathing, always difficult
  • Cough in cats
  • Cat lethargy
  • Loss of appetite in cats
  • Blue or purplish gums
  • The cat wants to stand
  • The cat crouches, with the elbows detached from its body and with the head and neck extended
  • The cat is hiding

Other causes of breathing difficulties in your cat

If the cat is breathing poorly, it could be a sign of a non-respiratory disease, such as the common cat’s wheezing, feline asthma, pneumonia or bronchitis in cats. We can be in the presence of pathologies such as:

  • Neurological diseases in cats
  • Heart ailments
  • Diaphragmatic hernia in cats
  • Hiatal hernia
  • Anemia in cats
  • Bleeding
  • Pleurisy in cats
  • Abdominal distension
  • Heatstroke in cats

The feline and difficulty in breathing: treatment and prevention

In the presence of breathing difficulties in the cat, it will be necessary to carry out the necessary tests for the diagnosis and to be able to establish the most suitable treatment for his condition. Let’s see how to best take care of your hairy sufferer.

When you have even the slightest suspicion of breathing difficulties and anomalies in your feline, it is advisable to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, to verify the presence of the problem or disorder that leads the animal to suffer.

Be careful to make the transport to the doctor less stressful for the cat, making sure to use an ideal cat carrier, so that he can get enough air. After immediately giving the dog oxygen, the vet will proceed with the important tests, such as the complete physical examexamination of the heart and lungs. In addition, he may decide to have chest x-rays done.

In the presence of fluids in the chest, they will be removed and analyzed, continuing with blood tests. If the problem should be the heart, we will opt for the echocardiogram and the electrocardiogram.

The treatment therefore involves removing the fluids in the chest and preventing its accumulation, tracing the triggering cause. To carry out this treatment, the cat will be hospitalized for a few days in the hospital, where he will be given drugs to help him breathe. In addition, the furry person may still need oxygen therapy.

Prevention for the animal

In some cases, it can take years of treatment and therapy for a cat suffering from breathing difficulties. During your future life, it is important to have follow-up visits to monitor your condition. It is possible to improve his lifestyle, even if his total recovery seems to be far away.

Carrying out periodic checks which are fundamental for its health and introducing quality supplements and food in the daily diet for the cat is very important to make the right prevention and avoid future problems of all kinds.

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