Babesiosis or Piroplasmosis in cats: symptoms, causes and treatment

Babesiosis in cats: a tick-borne disease that can cause damage to the cat’s health. Here are the symptoms, causes and treatment of this pathology.

The immune system of our beloved felines is often attacked by parasites of all kinds, causing health problems to our four-legged friends.

For this reason it is very important to know how to recognize the symptoms and take the cat to the vet as soon as possible. Below we will see specifically what are the symptoms of feline babesiosis and what needs to be done about it.

Babesiosis in cats: causes, transmissions and symptoms

The babesiosis or pirpolasmosi in cats is a disease caused by a certain parasite.

The latter, Babesia feli , is a unicellular parasite that infects the feline’s bloodstream by entering the red blood cells present in the cat’s body.

When the protozoan enters the red blood cell it reproduces for the first time, after which it tries to reproduce again.

When they become too many, the red blood cell cannot hold them and it explodes and the parasites that had formed each take possession of a different red blood cell.

The transmission of babesiosis in cats occurs mainly through the bite of a tick infected. However, this pathology can also be transmitted to the feline through blood transfusions.

Mostly the symptoms are mild, but as the parasites reproduce, the symptoms in our four-legged friend also increase. Here are the signs not to be underestimated:

  • Lethargy
  • Weakness;
  • Fast heart beat in cats ;
  • Weight loss in cats ;
  • Muscle tremors
  • Fever in the feline ;
  • Anemia in cats ;
  • Loss of appetite in the cat ;
  • Rapid breathing.

In the event that the cat exhibits the following symptoms it is advisable to contact the veterinarian.

Babesiosis or pirpolasmosis in cats: diagnosis and treatment

The symptoms listed in the previous paragraph are similar to those that we can easily observe also in other pathologies.

For this reason, so that the vet can make a correct diagnosis, it is advisable to communicate every little detail of your cat: if he has recently become ill, if he has wounds and if the cat has been administered the pesticide.

After learning all the useful information, the vet will check the cat’s body for any presence of ticks or fleas.

The definitive test to diagnose babesiosis in felines consists in examining the cat’s blood under a microscope, to highlight any parasites.

The treatment of this pathology consists mainly in the administration of a specific drug that kills the parasites that have infected the cat. In the event that the disease is in an advanced state, the vet may prescribe supportive treatment for the cat.

Since one of the symptoms of feline babesiosis is anemia, our furry friend may need blood transfusions. The only way to prevent this disease in cats is to treat fleas and ticks.

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