Arnica for cats: properties, benefits and side effects

Arnica for the cat, a herbaceous plant useful for health. Let’s see what the properties, benefits and contraindications.

Arnica is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Composite family that grows spontaneously in the alpine and pre-alpine regions, where it is limited to embellishing the meadows with a straight and little branched stem, which can reach seventy centimeters in height.

You can find it in the Trentino Alps, in the Stelvio National Park, and in the Dolomites, but also in Siberia, in different regions of Central Europe and in the temperate areas of North America. The flowers, in the shape of a daisy with a yellow color are the part used in phytotherapy and in herbal medicine in their interior are contained substances and essential oils complicit in well-being.

Many of these herbaceous plants are used by humans but for the care of pets. Let’s see together the arnica for the cat that benefits and contraindications can bring.

Arnica for the cat properties and benefits

Arnica is one of the most used natural remedies for the treatment of disorders related to the skin and the osteoarticular apparatus. The main properties in its possession are:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antineuralgic;
  • anti-traumatic;
  • analgesic.

All this thanks to the active ingredients present in it, such as: flavonoids, triterpenes, sesquiterpene lactones and essential oil. The characteristics of arnica flowers and the health benefits associated with their use have earned this herb the title of “panacea of the fallen“.

Arnica for cats is recommended for external use in case of joint problems or skin problems. Below is a precise list of the benefits that arnica for the cat can bring in certain situations of suffering and concern:

  • joint pain;
  • dental pains such as gingivitis in the cat;
  • post-operative injuries and pain;
  • insect bites;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • fever;
  • physical and mental trauma and shock;
  • control of hemorrhages.

Arnica for the cat and also for the dog is also available in the form of a natural gel, made specifically to soothe and treat muscle pain in the cat or tendinitis. A completely handcrafted product that through meticulous procedures that make it soft, colorless and quickly assimilated by the skin.

Very often, however, the granular form is used, always contained in plastic tubes with a measuring cap, which is recommended to take in doses of 5 granules at a time for 3 times a day, always away from meals. Although for cats that do not let themselves be manipulated, the administration of the homeopathic remedy is also fine with food.

In any case, these are indicative dosesthe prescription should be carried out by a specialist competent in the problem of the animal and the plant.


Arnica for the cat if it is ingested by the animal, can provoke:

  • liver disorders;
  • gastritis;
  • nausea;
  • irritations of the mouth and throat;
  • arterial hypotension;
  • shortness of breath;
  • palpitations;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea in the cat.

Taking excessively high doses of arnica can damage the heart, increasing beats, increasing bleeding and leading to insufficiencies. It can also trigger allergic reactions in those who are allergic to plants of the Asteraceae family (also known as Compositae), such as calendula, ambrosia, chrysanthemum and daisies.

In any case, where there are doubts, when using arnica for the cat, before applying a product on the skin it is good to seek advice from your veterinarian.

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