Anaplasmosis or tick fever in cats: causes, symptoms, treatment

Anaplasmosis is a disease transmitted to cats by external parasites: let’s see together how to identify and treat it promptly.

Parasitic infestations pose a great risk to the health of our four-legged friends. In fact, ticks are carriers of numerous diseases, with very serious consequences. Here is everything you need to know about anaplasmosis in cats, from the causes of the disease to its diagnosis.

Anaplasmosis in cats: causes and symptoms

Ticks carry a bacterial infection known as anaplasmosis.

This disease is transmitted to the host animal through the parasites’ own bite during their blood meal.

Usually, the first signs of the disease begin to appear a couple of weeks after the infection.

Among the main symptoms of anaplasmosis in cats are:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Lethargy
  • He retched
  • Diarrhea in the kitty
  • Joint swelling
  • High fever.

Diagnosis and treatment of anaplasmosis in cats

At the first sign of discomfort in the feline, it is essential to take the animal to the vet.

In fact, the consequences of anaplasmosis in cats can be very serious.

Furthermore, if it is at an advanced stage of development, it is not always possible to eradicate the disease easily.

The diagnosis of the disease takes place through a special blood test, which reveals the presence of the bacterium anaplasma phagocytophilum, responsible for the infection.

In addition, it is advisable to subject the cat to a blood and urine test, to rule out the presence of any other diseases and check the health of the animal.

Anaplasmosis in cats, in fact, has debilitating consequences on the health of the cat, exposing it to the risk of contracting other diseases.

The treatment of the disease consists of a drug therapy, the duration of which depends on the severity of the infection contracted by the feline.

How to protect your cat from parasitic infestations

Since there is no vaccine that can protect cats from anaplasmosis, it is essential to prevent the onset of the disease.

How to do? Protecting the animal from parasitic infestations.

The presence of fleas and ticks, in fact, can lead not only to the transmission of the bacterium anaplasma phagocytophilum, but also to numerous other diseases in the cat, including:

  • Lyme disease
  • Babesiosis
  • Ehrlichiosis

For this, it is essential to resort to pesticides. There are various solutions on the market, suitable for the most disparate needs and preferences.

From the classic pipettes to be applied monthly on the feline’s fur, up to the flea collar, passing through the pesticide spray, the best advice is to contact your trusted veterinarian to identify the most suitable product for your four-legged friend.

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