5 signs your cat is not feeling safe in your house

For a cat, the territory is a central element in its life. And for good reason, this is where it must feel safe enough to be able to eat and rest, two activities essential to its survival. Indeed, as you know, our feline friends are predators but also prey, which explains their constant hyper vigilance. But when they feel threatened in their cherished environment, behavioural problems can arise. 

Good to know : The signs described below can also be symptoms of an illness. If you suddenly notice one or more of these behaviours in your cat, a check up at the vet is necessary.

1. It becomes aggressive

If, overnight, your cat starts biting, scratching or even hissing at the slightest noise, something is wrong. Indeed, a cat does not radically change its behaviour like this, for no reason. It may be compensating for his feeling of insecurity with aggression, or he may just be on edge.

2. Its hiding

Does your cat regularly go and hide under furniture? Maybe it’s something that scares them. Be careful, however, some felines simply like to isolate themselves several times a day in inaccessible places in order to take a nap or simply get away from the noise and the hustle and bustle.

3. It pees everywhere

When a cat suddenly begins to urinate outside of its litter box, it is a sign of some discomfort. If again this is not related to any disease, it may be a way for your feline to express its dissatisfaction.

For example, if a new cat has started prowling around your home, or even crept in without you noticing.

4. It shaves the walls

Does your usually quiet cat start to shave the walls and the floors and walk with its tail down ? It is that something anguishes them. Indeed, a feline that feels confident keeps its tail straight and does not try to hide as soon as it moves.

Note that the slightest change in a cat’s environment can be a source of stress for them. Thus, it suffices to have added or removed a piece of furniture so that a feline no longer feels safe on its own territory.

5. It meows a lot

Excessive vocalizations can be particularly painful to endure on a daily basis, especially at night. But if your cat keeps meowing at you, it’s not to annoy you but to send you a message.

If it is feeling anxious, this may be the only way it has found to let you know about its unhappiness. So instead of scolding them or shutting the door in his face, try to find the source of the problem …

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