4 reasons to avoid dry dog ​​food

Treats are an easy way to feed dogs, which our four-legged friends really appreciate. But they also have some downsides. Is dry food better or wet food?

In this article, we tell you some reasons to avoid dry dog ​​food. Dry dog ​​food and wet dog food have evolved over the past century for several reasons. First, before World War II, the dog food that was marketed was sold in glass or metal jars.

At some point, the production of canned dog food declined and was replaced by mixed foods. These were of poor quality, as the ingredients came from animal remains unsuitable for consumption. On the other hand, only in large cities or in breeding areas was it possible to find dog food. In rural areas, dogs were fed leftovers from human food.

The situation remained so until the arrival of the 80s and 90s. It was then that the ownership of cats and dogs as pets increased. As a result, the needs of the bosses forced the pet food industry to adapt. Let’s look at some reasons to avoid dry dog ​​food.

Dry dog ​​food: the importance of quality

We don’t want to say that dry dog ​​food is the worst way to feed your pet. However, it is a fact that some kibble is of worse quality than others.
Quality food usually comes at a high price, although more expensive food doesn’t always mean it’s better. This is because there are established brands on the market whose quality is dubious, but they spend thousands of dollars on advertising.

High concentration of cereals

The dog is an optional carnivorous animal. This means that its main source of energy is meat . However, due to their evolution and the domestication process, dogs can tolerate other food sources.

Generally, kibble contains high concentrations of wheat, corn, or soy as a source of protein . Sometimes, these ingredients can be the most abundant, as they lower prices and deceive the consumer.

The owner thinks he is feeding his pet correctly because in the main part of the package they advertise “with fresh chicken” and, however, the quantity of chicken and its parts are minimal.

This large amount of grains can increase the risk of our pet suffering from gastric dilation, among other diseases.

Preservatives are harmful

Commercial foods, to maintain the correct condition of the food and extend its shelf life, contain preservatives . During this process the food is compressed and dehydrated through variations in pressure and temperature.

This process affects, to a greater or lesser extent, the different nutrients contained in dry dog ​​food. Sometimes, the food must contain additives that allow the dog to properly absorb nutrients. In addition, they may contain a higher concentration of some trace elements, as many are lost during compression.

All of this makes dog food an ultra-processed food . We can find treats of better or worse quality, but it can never be compared to a balanced diet based on fresh and natural foods .

Dental health and dry dog ​​food

Recently, it has been shown that a diet based solely on dry food can negatively affect a dog’s dental health . So, here are other reasons to avoid dry dog ​​food.

Also, unlike what you think, the use of kibble does not reduce the accumulation of tartar on the dog’s teeth . The only natural way to remove tartar is through the use of raw bones.

According to several studies, offering raw cow bones to your pet once every two weeks for about 10 minutes is enough to reduce tartar.

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